The students of the Urban Vervet Project have had a productive Summer presenting our latest results on primate adaptations to anthropogenic environments at both the European Federation for Primatology’s conference... read more →
I had the great pleasure and honour to become one of the Faculty Members of the Diverse Intelligence Summer Institute 2024. For this I spent a solid week interacting with... read more →
I am very proud of Lindsey Ellington, the UVP's first MSc student for publishing her study comparing object curiosity across three different habitats; captive, urban and wild. We find that... read more →
Curiosity is necessary for learning new information but how universal is it across intelligent systems? Find out in our new Paper in Biological Reviews. This has been a fantastic collaboration... read more →
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End of October we celebrated the first Birthday of the Urban Vervet Project by giving a public talk on our project progress at the Simbithi estate and a very nice... read more →
In October, the Meerkat Cognition Project’s ground team set up all the necessary data collection and experiments for Season 2 of our Field data collection. This year some meerkat groups... read more →
During this year’s field trip, I had the privilege to introduce the Kalahari meerkats to my family, who joined the field team for two weeks. Luna representing generation II of... read more →
On September the 2nd, Sofia held a public talk at the Zoological Museum, University of Zurich “Studying wild animals in South Africa: meerkat cognition and urbanization in vervet monkeys” for... read more →
Sofia attended the Behaviour conference (link: in Bielefeld, Germany in August, where she gave two key note presentations as part of two different symposiums: "From the countryside to the city:... read more →