I had the great pleasure and honour to become one of the Faculty Members of the Diverse Intelligence Summer Institute 2024. For this I spent a solid week interacting with... read more →
I am extremely honoured to have been awarded the Academic Excellence Award by the FAN (Fond für Akademische Nachwuchs) at the University of Zurich. With this generous financial support I... read more →
In October, the Meerkat Cognition Project’s ground team set up all the necessary data collection and experiments for Season 2 of our Field data collection. This year some meerkat groups... read more →
During this year’s field trip, I had the privilege to introduce the Kalahari meerkats to my family, who joined the field team for two weeks. Luna representing generation II of... read more →
Sofia attended the Behaviour conference (link: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/biologie/forschung/veranstaltungen/behaviour2023/) in Bielefeld, Germany in August, where she gave two key note presentations as part of two different symposiums: "From the countryside to the city:... read more →
We are currently looking for a passionate fieldworker to join our data collection team at the Kalahari Research Centre. Using both observational end experimental methods you will be studying the... read more →
Listen to my Contribution on Apes, Evolution and Curiosity Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/choosetobecurious/ep-184-curiosity-in-apes-with-sofia-forss?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Fchoosetobecurious%252Fep-184-curiosity-in-apes-with-sofia-forss Here you find the Podcast: Choose to be curious
End of November I visited the ground team at Simbithi: Stephanie and Lindsey, who are making incredible progress in documenting all the different monkey groups we have in the study... read more →
We are all beyond excitement to kick off the new branch of the Inkawu Vervet Project, namely the URBAN VERVET PROJECT - starting this November. Check out our beautiful new... read more →
From October 2022 onwards I have been accepted as an Honorary Research Fellow at our collaborating South African University of Kwazulu-Natal. This is wonderful news for maintaining our local collaboration... read more →